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LF00-based Fixed-Voltage Power Supply

This ECROS Technology power supply kit uses ST Microelectronics LF00-series voltage regulators.  These fixed voltage devices have the following features:

Parts Kit Contents:

J1 2.1mm Power Jack
D1 1N4006 or equiv.
C1 0.1µF ceramic cap.
C4 33µF 35V electrolytic
- heatsink, screw, nut

† the regulator must be inserted as U2, not U1

No Longer Available For Purchase

ECROS Technology has closed down and as a result Mini- and Flexi-PSUs are no longer available for purchase.  These pages are maintained for the benefit of existing owners.

(Use the menu on the left hand side to go back to the Mini-PSU introduction.)

Technical Information

Input Voltage - For the regulator to operate properly, the input voltage to the PSU must always be the output voltage plus the regulator dropout voltage plus the voltage drop across D1, if used.  For example, with a 5V regulator and D1 installed as shown, the input voltage must be at least 6.5V (5 + 0.7 + 0.8).  This includes supply ripple.  Continuing the example, if, at full load, ripple causes the input voltage to drop 0.5V below its average value during each half-cycle, then the average input voltage should be 7V.

Power Dissipation - Heat dissipated in the regulator, in watts, will be the product of the load current in amps and the voltage dropped across the regulator.  Again, using the above example, suppose you apply an input voltage of 9V.  The regulator will drop 3.2V (9 - 5 - 0.8).  At 0.5 amps, the heat dissipated will be 1.6W (3.2 x 0.5).  ECROS Technology recommends that you limit power dissipation in the regulator to 3W with the compact heatsink supplied in the kit.  This is based on personal safety concerns.  At higher power, the circuit will continue to function but the heatsink will become very hot.  If you touch it, you may not pull away fast enough to avoid some lasting discomfort.

(Use the menu on the left hand side to go back to the Mini-PSU introduction.)